Your Exactly What to Say ® Guide

Mindy Jones
Exactly What to Say® Guide

Mindy is passionate about making a meaningful impact and helping others find clarity and strength in their voices through their professional career and personal development. As an Exactly What to Say™ Certified Guide, Mindy has grown her offerings to include expert communication training through the delivery of Arizona’s first agent certification program. An advocate for working moms like herself, Mindy encourages women to seek accountability partners, show up in rooms that offer collaboration over competition, and to get into community with partners who both recognize and applaud living really big lives. 

Exactly What to Say® Workshops

Presented By Mindy Jones

Building a Personal Brand to Become a Locally Known Expert

Establishing an authentic personal brand in your marketplace can transform your sales process from pushy to pully when you focus on five simple (not easy!) steps to becoming a locally known expert. Whether you are making a career move, taking an established business to a new area, or looking to deepen the relationships in your community, we’ll lean into what makes you YOUnique as a foundation for your success.

The Business of You

Through a series of conversations and goal planning exercises, we work through the opportunities you want to explore and the activities you can complete to build your future business around your strengths and help you collect the evidence along the way for yourself and your clients that you are in fact the person for the job. Dream big and create a life that only you are qualified to design by mapping out the Business of You.

Make More of Your Conversations Count

Dive into the world of conversations as we uncover opportunity in your business that has been overlooked and in turn is keeping you under paid. Instead of racing around looking for the newest lead source for your sector, we dig into where there might be unrealized opportunity in your existing database and current relationships while empowering you with the words and actions to increase sales and referrals.

Mindy Jones with Phil Jones

Certification Workshops and Role Play Workshops

Join Mindy Jones to Dive deep into the Guided program, providing an understanding of the science & application of Magic Words and how to use them with integrity & influence. Intimate & powerful workshops, customized for Groups of 16 maximum. For Role Play workshops, you can say: What is role playing? The ability to insert yourself into a hypothetical real work scenario and creatively explore possible outcomes. Leveraging the Exactly What to Say® framework and the proprietary role play deck, learn to master several different types of role play to enhance communication skills, boost confidence, encourage create, improve problem solving, feel empowered to handle objections, and build empathy using real life scenarios that are pertinent to your line of work. Guided by expert Mindy Jones, explore both solo and collaborative options for role playing in virtual or in person environment. 

"Just out of curiosity" is one of my absolute favorite tools to help convey genuine interest in others which then lays the foundation for a conversation built on their needs."


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Speaking, Training & Workshops